How to set custom ICCID IMSI GID to cs2 file?
1: load the newest firmware file into BJX (must use this cs2 file to edit iccid follow the pictures)
2:change the iccid format "ab ab ab ab ab ab ab ab ab ab " to HEX "ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba"
3:follow the picture poited to edit code,total 10 address need to edit,save the edit;
4:download to programer box,pull the usb cable,start to programe litesim chip
5:plug in iphone play with out any seetting,and support iOS13
for example:
normal iccid format:89 01 41 04 27 02 25 98 78 73
edit in software hex format:98 10 41 72 20 52 89 87 37
normal imsi format:for example at&t 3104105
edit in software hex format:9 3104105 》39 01 14 50
GID :for example sprint GID1: 00 00 00 GID2 : A2 00 00
if you choose iccid only verison download here
edit your iccid in file follow this pic,and then downlaod to progrtrammer
litesim only support use special programmer to upgrade this firmware